Monday, January 24, 2011

January 3rd 2011 – The holidays

I had a delightful time, mostly because I was surrounded by people and animals I love.

Benjamin graduated in December and is now a biologist! Whilst he was in school, he spend most of his time at his girlfriends house, but since then they both have spend pretty much all their time here.

Sarah has come back from New York and is great company. Jeff, an old friend of 40 years, came a few days from Florida and Jeff, well, he is family.

Then Maya arrived and it completed the feeling of “fullness” in the house, which I love.

To top it off I have been fostering kittens from the Humane Society – two at the time – so everywhere you look there is often a kitten or a dog, delicious!

What made it such a good time? We had time (David took off work). Time to get up, have breakfast, explore a coffeeshop, run an errand, go to the gym or run in the park – the weather is glorious now – and sit around and talk or watch TV. Lots of catching up to do.

Our Christmas Holiday is relatively without pressure, in that we don’t have complicated family issues to deal with and most friends are with their own family. Once again I could not resist buying small presents for everyone, I just love looking, buying, wrapping and giving….and then Christmas morning…..

I actually feel enthousiasm to move to NY again and it looks like Benjamin wants to move there too!!
He does not know what he wants to do, maybe starting his masters degree next year, but he know he wants to leave Austin (finally!).

During the holiday time I received so many lovely cards and good wishes, that I was touched deeply by how many of you remembered me/us and felt a real booster for the coming year. I have not been able to answer all of you personally, but this way you can at least be informed.

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