Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th - Back in Austin, moving to New York!

February 16th

There, it is out !

Eight days ago I landed. Funny how you cannot know what you would feel or will feel. I felt very little. I think I had expected to be excited “coming home”, this was not the case. Everything looked ordinary, uneventful, the same.

Of course it was very nice to see David, Benjamin and the dogs, but even the house felt, how shall I say, empty. I feel disoriented, disconnected and exhausted

Now 8 days later, the house mostly feels like a huge chore that never finishes. The few plants that survived are back,the fridge is full again, but the yard still needs a lot of work, everything froze dead (unheard of in Austin) and I feel little enthousiasm to contact anyone. I am wading my way through paperwork, bills, notification etc

Today I met the neighbors in the street, while walking the dogs. The feigned kindness feels like a cold shower.

The good news is that the weather is gorgous, I swallow up the sun when I can

We have decided whilst B. is still going to school for a year and we do not know when the move north east will take place, we are keeping the house for a while. In the meantime I have emptied our guestroom – funny how you think a room is empty and lots and lots of things come out! – in order to rent it. Hopefully I will find someone who needs an office space in a quiet location.

I intend to visit New York in the March, to see and feel and hear. After that ,we take another step, daunting as ever

My web site was compromised (thank you google), which I discovered a week ago, I had not looked at it for a while. This past weekend David and I worked very hard and it is now up and running again, better I think, more informative, some humor.

Please if you have a chance, give it a look www.soul-works.com (or .net, I own both)